Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 1 of goal challenge

 I am starting to write this in the morning . I am setting my goal for the day then I will write about it later today. 
As I walked through a store yesterday I came across a saying " Do more of what you love " . Seeing this made me ask myself many questions. How much of my day do I spend doing things I love? I understand that being a mother and a wife comes with a certain have to do list but how much do I really love doing? Mmmm not much. What example am I showing to my boys. 
So today my goal is to put something's aside  and do something I love..........

I did it ! I put all else aside today and I did something I loved doing. I took the kids to my friend Tami's we have been friends forever and it was much needed time. Our friend Lauren was there with her kidios too so it was 3 girls and our 6 boys. It was crazy but so much fun . A well over do visit. It was so nice to see all our little ones playing. It just made me think how time has changed. I have really missed my friend time. Life gets in the way we are all so busy now. I am so glad I took to day just to enjoy it . 

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