Sunday, August 25, 2013

Weekend overview

So this weekend threw all the craziness I tried to take a little me time.When becoming a mother my Godmother had given me a word of advice . It was along the lines of remember Tina if you do not take time to do you once in awhile you will be no good to anyone else. This advice has helped me so much in the balancing of things that comes with being a mother. It is very easy to get lost in everyone's needs. So I did a little me........

This has been my place I go to rebalance myself ever since I was 15 years old. 20 years later still does the trick. It really cleared my head and I am so ready to start next week. I will be changing up my post too( at least I will try ) . 

So to end my weekend I am very happy to say I received my Cara box. It really is amazing I can't wait to do my reveal post and share it . Until tomorrow  .


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